Teen and Child Therapy

girl with planeParents often forget the immense joy and great struggle of our younger years and there may be situations when even well-meaning parents are unable to help. Good mental health is a vital part of our early years and many problems may be avoided when young people face challenging issues before heading into elementary, middle-school or later, university. Anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem are common in people under 18 and there are many solutions to each. Early intervention is key to helping them navigate these turbulent years.


When to seek help for yourself or your child may include:

  • ADHD Issues
  • Changes in family (i.e. Divorce, Death, moving to a new home)
  • Parental Substance Abuse
  • Compulsive thoughts or behaviors
  • Bullying at home, in school or social media
  • Excessive weight loss/weight gain
  • Loss of emotional control (fighting, screaming, temper-tantrums)
  • Aggressive behaviors at home or school
  • Overwhelming sadness, depression, suicide ideation
  • Addictions (Alcohol, Drugs, or gaming)
  • Declining grades, loss of interest in activities
  • Coming out and other LGBTQ transitions

Working Together


I foster a safe, casual, and fun space to discuss problem areas as well as helping find solutions to everyday problems. I will seek to include parents and other family members in occasional sessions so that everyone can participate in the transformational aspect of counseling.

cindybouchardTeen and Child Therapy